Organizing large temporal datasets (WAS: Increasing Maxlayers limit - anyone have spare Windows binaries? :))

Bonnie Stewart Bonnie.Stewart at DLI.WA.GOV.AU
Mon Jul 11 23:02:39 EDT 2005

Hi Brent,
Thanks! I had no idea that TILEINDEXing could be used for time-variant data as well as spatial-variant data.
I've been doing some googling trying to find out more information on this (no experience whatsoever with TILEINDEX thus far), and this is the best I've come up with:
The section which covers "Spatio/Temporal Indexes" in the first document is I believe the methodology you're referring to, and while it's very helpful, I still have a few questions.
1) So far I have only read about temporal timeindexing with respect to serving WCS (Web Coverage Service) rather than WMS or WFS. Is it possible to use the same methodology but serve WMS or WFS layers? I don't know much about WCS and I'm not sure what clients (off the shelf - we are not going to be developing any client interface for our users) can access it.
2) Does anybody know of any additional documentation/tutorials/examples using TILEINDEX for raster and vector data which is spatially nonvariant and temporally variant? :)

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