Need help: Annotation layer from Postgis using php

Sergey Miltchakov redddis at BK.RU
Sat Jul 9 12:16:48 EDT 2005

I ran into the following problem with annotations using php:
The thing is I have a table 'vydely' in Postgre with the fields:
gid (int), id(int), area(float), kvartal(int) and the_geom(geometry).

I managed to successfully pull the shapes from this table using php. Now I
need to somehow annotate those shapes. I'd like to add the gid and kavartal
numbers inside the polygons using php.

I use the following code:
$Anlayer = ms_newLayerObj($map);
$Anlayer->set("type", MS_LAYER_ANNOTATION);
$Anlayer->set("connectiontype", MS_POSTGIS);
$Anlayer->set("connection","host=localhost port=5432 user=postgres
password='' dbname=testgis");
$Anlayer->set("data", "id from vydely");
$Anlayer->set("status", MS_ON);
$Anlayer -> set("classitem", "id");
$Anlayer -> set("labelitem", "id");
$Anlayer -> {annotate} = 1;
$fredclass = ms_newClassObj($Anlayer);
$fredstyle = ms_newStyleObj($fredclass);
$fredclass->label->set("position", 8);
$fredclass->label->set("size", 18);


 But nothing shows (an image without text layer...

Though I succeeded to show the static text layers, defined in the map file.
Is that possible at all to make them dynamic? I could not find anything
useful in the internet...


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