Need help with TIF TILE SIZE
Yar Doroshenko
numerous at GMAIL.COM
Wed Jul 6 20:08:59 PDT 2005
Hi Guys,
Would anyone be able to answer this one, I'm posting it second time:
My tileindex works fine, I have 51 tig images, I define my layer as the
name "aerial"
tileindex mrsid/img_index
type raster
status default
My tif images display just fine, the top left corner seems to be positioned
correctly. The problem is that at a certain zoom level, there are spaces
between my tiles and I would like them to overlap. I know that my tifs are
fine, when I open them in a viewer I can zoom in deep. Is there any way to
make tifs larger, or make them overlap at a certain zoom level?
Also, here is what I used before I implemented gdaltindex:
I used mrsiddecode to convert my MrSID images to Tif
mrsiddecode -i input.sid -o output.tif -s 2
This way I got my tif to be around 100Mb instead of 2Gb with gdal_translate
next I did gdalwarp to convert my coordinates
C:\ITS\GDAL\125\bin>gdalwarp -s_srs "+proj=utm +zone=15 +datum=NAD83" -
t_srs "+p
roj=latlong +datum=WGS84" 10_1_1.tif latlong.tif
:0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
Could anyone see a potential explanation to my tile problem?
Thank you,
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