problem with line layers

Nate Reed nate at SEASTAR.JPL.NASA.GOV
Wed Jul 20 17:49:00 EDT 2005

What is the name or IP address of your host?

On Wed, 20 Jul 2005, Sergio Lopez wrote:

> I have a problem when trying to view map files via cgi-bin , they don´t
> show line or point layers included in the map file, just the polygons.
> However, when I use the same map file in maplab, everithing works as
> intended. what am I doing wrong? the url I use is:
> http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv_44.exe?map=/ms4w/apps/..../
> I´m workin on win xp sp2.
> thanks in advance

Nate Reed
Physical Oceanography DAAC
Jet Propulsion Lab / Raytheon ITSS
(626)744-5528  nate at

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