Problems with featureinforequest with SDE

Detlef Stockhaus d.stockhaus at SRHH.DE
Thu Jul 7 06:41:39 EDT 2005


I'm testing mapserver as WMS Server and want to build a map Application
with connect to an SDE on Oracle 9. The Connection works fine, but if I try
to query a layer, i get an Error:
msSDELayerwhichShapes(): SE_shape_generate_rectangle(): the number of
points is less than required for feature (-148).

I try the query with Mapbender, but with a simple HTML Client without WMS,
the same Error occurs.

Webserver is Apache 1.3.33, PHP4.3.11 installed as modul.
I'm using the kitchen sink Mapserver Win32 Binary, which is compiled
against sde 9 Client libraries. They are on my Test PC, but the Version of
SDE on the Oracleserver is 8.2. Maybe this is the Problem??

Has anyone a suggestion?



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