real coordinates in the SVG output ?

David Delhorbe delhorbe.david at LIBERTYSURF.FR
Wed Jul 13 16:41:47 EDT 2005

Hello World !

 I work with svg, PHP and PostGIS with my own scripts, because SVG in
MapServer is a little hard. But the power of Mapserver to serve raster is
amazing and give me hopes for the SVG output. So I have 3 questions about
SVG in Mapserver :

 - is it possible to have the real X and Y in the svg and not
   the positions of the objects in the screen ? If yes, how (without
template) ? I have others stuffs how need the real coodinates.

 - is it possible to group the object by layer, with <g
 id=”MyLayer”>...</g> (without template)

 - How have more than 1 layer in my SVG, (without template & query) ?

 I know, it’s possible to do this with template and query, but I would
like do this automaticaly with WMS request

 Thanks again !

 David Delhorbe

Département de Seine-Saint-Denis
Système d'information Géographique Déparemental

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