How to show lines between PostGIS data of type POINT

David Bitner osgis.lists at GMAIL.COM
Tue Jul 26 06:50:52 PDT 2005

To show lines but query points, you would need to have your data in
Mapserver as both lines and points.  To convert your points to lines
in Postgis (can be done on the fly) look into Collect(), MakeLine(),
and AddPoint().  You'll need to be sure to order your points by
timestamp before aggregating them to the line.

On 7/26/05, Sebastian Albrecht <albrecht at> wrote:
> Hello,
> is it possible to show lines between POINT data results from a
> PostGIS-DB? Is it possible to somehow convert one point and the next
> one following to a line on-the-fly each time the Mapserver queries the
> database?
> My problem is I have a lot of single latlon points which have
> different timestamps and further values. The user should be able to
> query these values of a single point but lines should be shown in the
> map. Using a LINE type would not be very consistent because the user
> would not know which end of the line is the point the values belong
> to.
> One knows something? ;)
> Best regards,
> Sebastian

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