ANGLE keyword in MAP file

Mark Adams markadams at CUESTASYS.COM
Tue Jul 26 05:54:29 PDT 2005

Some time ago there was an announcement in this list that map rotation was
being supported (in beta mode, I guess) - I think it was with 4.4 that this
was announced. I haven't seen anything about it since, and don't find it in
the documentation online. Can someone clarify the status of this
functionality? I believe support was through the MAP level with the ANGLE
keyword, and there was a mapscript function to set the angle as well? 





Mark Adams

Senior Analyst & Project Manager

Cuesta Systems (DPRA Canada)

5230 South Service Road

Burlington, ON L7L 5K2

Phone: 905-333-4544 x14

Fax: 905-333-0455

Email: mark.adams at


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