Connect to ESRI Personal Geodatabase

Flavio Hendry flavio at TYDAC.CH
Fri Jul 8 01:46:40 EDT 2005

hi ken

seems to be a strategy to introduce as many formats as possible. if I 
look at the FME list there are already 11 ESRI formats there. this is 
nr. 12 ... from what I read, personal geodatabase will be history (one 
more dead body) and the new "file based database" (!?) will be 
the "standard". reading the text, the reason behind it might be that 
personal geodatabase has bad performance.

good news are however: "Like it did with shapefiles, ESRI is providing 
an open API that will allow anyone to create and use file-based 

I suppose it is not worth to invest to support a dead body ... ???

Mit freundlichem Gruss / Best Regards
Flavio Hendry

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