Connect to ESRI Personal Geodatabase

Paul Ramsey pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET
Fri Jul 8 11:03:33 EDT 2005

I actually heard a reason right from the lips of an ESRI  
representative this week: personal geodatabase inherits the MSAccess  
2Gb file size limitation.  I imagine there are other reasons too.   
Getting rid of Access good decision, one they should have  
preemptively :)


On 7-Jul-05, at 10:46 PM, Flavio Hendry wrote:

> hi ken
> seems to be a strategy to introduce as many formats as possible. if I
> look at the FME list there are already 11 ESRI formats there. this is
> nr. 12 ... from what I read, personal geodatabase will be history (one
> more dead body) and the new "file based database" (!?) will be
> the "standard". reading the text, the reason behind it might be that
> personal geodatabase has bad performance.
> good news are however: "Like it did with shapefiles, ESRI is providing
> an open API that will allow anyone to create and use file-based
> geodatabases."
> I suppose it is not worth to invest to support a dead body ... ???
> Mit freundlichem Gruss / Best Regards
> Flavio Hendry
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