Connect to ESRI Personal Geodatabase

Paul Ramsey pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET
Wed Jul 6 00:36:36 EDT 2005

Frank has much of the infrastructure needed already in OGR (ODBC  
driver, etc) and I have been told that the geodatabase internal  
spatial format is very simple (shapefile-in-a-table). All you need to  
do is scrape together the funding. I bet if you asked, he'd write up  
a quote for free.


On 5-Jul-05, at 7:33 PM, Alex Smith wrote:

> you took the words right out of my mouth.  i just
> logged in to ask the same question.  it is not an
> absolute must that we stay with the personal
> geodatabase, but our workflow is designed around it,
> postgis isn't too feasible (in our situation) and we
> cannot get anywhere close to affording ArcSDE.
> does anybody know the answer to this question?  i can,
> however, speculate.  since MapServer reads SDE, and
> the personal geodb is like an 'SDE Lite' where you
> substitute ms access for oracle or SQL Server, then it
> SEEMS that it shouldn't be too hard to read personal
> geodatabase feature classes from MapServer.  i'd be
> very, very surprise to learn that ESRI is stores
> spatial data differently in personal geodatabases vs
> ArcSDE databases - that would take a LOT of time to
> code.  so maybe the MapServer code could be
> modified/adapted to read these spatial tables as
> well?!?!?
> i image that there are a hefty number of other people
> in the same situtation.
> thanks!
> AS
> --- Ken Lord <kenlord at GMAIL.COM> wrote:
>> Hi List,
>>  Is there currently a way to use spatial data within
>> an ESRI Personal
>> Geodatabase as a data source for MapServer?
>>  Say through OGR / FMEObjects Gateway?
>>  We have a dataset that must remain in the ESRI mdb
>> format to suit our
>> client and the data custodian, but we would like to
>> make it available for
>> viewing / wms / wfs with MapServer without
>> converting it into another format
>> to ensure the most up to date data is always being
>> used.
>>  Thanks,
>> Ken Lord
>> Vancouver BC
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