Connect to ESRI Personal Geodatabase

Alex Smith msestudiente2 at YAHOO.COM
Tue Jul 5 22:33:56 EDT 2005

you took the words right out of my mouth.  i just
logged in to ask the same question.  it is not an
absolute must that we stay with the personal
geodatabase, but our workflow is designed around it,
postgis isn't too feasible (in our situation) and we
cannot get anywhere close to affording ArcSDE.

does anybody know the answer to this question?  i can,
however, speculate.  since MapServer reads SDE, and
the personal geodb is like an 'SDE Lite' where you
substitute ms access for oracle or SQL Server, then it
SEEMS that it shouldn't be too hard to read personal
geodatabase feature classes from MapServer.  i'd be
very, very surprise to learn that ESRI is stores
spatial data differently in personal geodatabases vs
ArcSDE databases - that would take a LOT of time to
code.  so maybe the MapServer code could be
modified/adapted to read these spatial tables as

i image that there are a hefty number of other people
in the same situtation.  



--- Ken Lord <kenlord at GMAIL.COM> wrote:

> Hi List,
>  Is there currently a way to use spatial data within
> an ESRI Personal 
> Geodatabase as a data source for MapServer?
>  Say through OGR / FMEObjects Gateway?
>  We have a dataset that must remain in the ESRI mdb
> format to suit our 
> client and the data custodian, but we would like to
> make it available for 
> viewing / wms / wfs with MapServer without
> converting it into another format 
> to ensure the most up to date data is always being
> used.
>  Thanks,
> Ken Lord
> Vancouver BC

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