newbe- mapscript /pil

Richard Alexander raxpl at ANGLESEY.GOV.UK
Wed Jul 13 04:16:23 PDT 2005

I want to open an image created by mapscript using PIL...

I'm using python2.3 on Suse Linux Enterprise Server 9 (not this windows
machine so there may be some minor punctuation errors below)

from Tkinter import *
import mapscript
import Image

theMap = mapscript.mapObj('/srv/www/htdocs/workshop/')
theMapImage = theMap.draw()'srv/www/htdocs/workshop/tmp.png')
#the above line produces a png image in the correct folder

theImage ='srv/www/htdocs/workshop/tmp.png')
#the above line causes an IOError to be thrown which seems to
#be triggered by the Load function...


After the program finishes I can open the png image tmp.png in all
other graphics programs  - Pil continues to refuse to open it !

any ideas ?


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