Displaying Point on the Map if Co-ordinates are send by user ???

Ajay Ranipeta sc0rp10nau at YAHOO.COM.AU
Tue Jul 12 12:41:35 EDT 2005

Hi Mann,

You can choose to do either. This has been previously answered on the LIST,
so just search the archives. But to start you off, here is a link to the
MapServer CGI doc, where you can add a few move name/value pairs to the url
and create a point on the map.


Basically, you need an acetate (a dummy) layer with its STATUS OFF. Then
from the url, just create a new feature point and mapserver will draw it on
the map for you.

You can also achieve this with PHP Mapscript, but that'll take you more coding.



On Mon, 11 Jul 2005 18:46:41 -0700, Mandar sarlashkar <manninside at YAHOO.COM>

>Dear All !
>If User sends the co-ordinates - is it possible to display the Position as
a point on the Map.
>Is it possible through CGI implementation of Mapserver ?
> or
>Is it possible, Using PHP MapScript ???
>I have just started getting an idea of how Mapserver works. The task might
be accomplished very easily or the question might be stupid but its very
important for me...
>Thanking you in advance.
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