Connect to ESRI Personal Geodatabase

Ken Lord kenlord at GMAIL.COM
Wed Jul 6 12:48:24 EDT 2005

Thanks for the responses, 
 Frank, are you saying that right now mapserver can read spatial data from a 
personal geodatabase using an ODBC connection (and if so, are there any 
exampes available)? Or would some amount of work needed to add the 
Ken Lord
Vancouver BC

 On 7/6/05, Frank Warmerdam <fwarmerdam at> wrote: 
> On 7/6/05, Paul Ramsey <pramsey at> wrote:
> > Frank has much of the infrastructure needed already in OGR (ODBC
> > driver, etc) and I have been told that the geodatabase internal
> > spatial format is very simple (shapefile-in-a-table). All you need to
> > do is scrape together the funding. I bet if you asked, he'd write up
> > a quote for free.
> Folks,
> My understanding is that the personal geodatabase table organization
> is significantly different than the ArcSDE RDBMS organization. Also,
> keep in mind that the MapServer SDE support uses the SDE libraries
> to do all the access. For personal geodatabases my preferred
> approach is to use direct ODBC access to the .mdb file without any
> direct dependence on ESRI software so that folks can work with
> personal geodatabases even without SDE or other ESRI libraries
> being installed.
> Best regards,
> --
> ---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------
> I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, 
> warmerdam at
> light and sound - activate the windows |
> and watch the world go round - Rush | Geospatial Programmer for Rent
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