Mapfile TOLERANCE/ Mouse-click accuracy?

Pericles S. Nacionales nacional at CBS.UMN.EDU
Tue Jul 12 11:38:10 EDT 2005


Why is your TOLERANCE set so high?  When you don't specify TOLERANCEUNITS, the 
default unit is in pixel.  So, you have a TOLERANCE of 70 pixels and that's 
quite high in a small image specially if you are showing a good part of 
Europe.  Set the TOLERANCEUNITS to kilometers or lower TOLERANCE value to 
something like 5 (pixels) or lower.   See


On Tuesday 12 July 2005 04:31, Nikos wrote:
> se a bit of help here.
> Using a simple shapefile of France, about 20 regions, under windows,
> ms3.6 cgi, and standard html interface...
> My problem is accuarcy when querying a polygon, e.g when I click on what
> should be Corsica, I get the alps..
> I've cranked up the TOLERANCE in my layer definition.. but all that does
> is return more regions when "querying multiple" that does not really help..
> No projection is set in mapfile
> I've checked the shapefile with shpdump, and it reports the extents as
> are in the mapfile
> The shape file queries correctly in Arcview...
> could use a bit of help here..

Pericles S. Nacionales

Conservation Biology Program
University of Minnesota
1530 Cleveland Ave. N., 115GrnH
St. Paul, MN 55108

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