
prashant n my_massoo at LYCOS.COM
Fri Jul 29 00:56:57 EDT 2005

hi list,

is it possible to publish this document in either pdf / ps / open office format so that everyone can have a look at this and follow the instructions.
Mr.Till Adams, can you publish this as it would be great help to mapserver newbees like me, who often run into installation problems

Thanks & Regards

----- Original Message -----
From: "Till Adams" <adams at TERRESTRIS.DE>
Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Installation
Date:         Wed, 27 Jul 2005 16:24:57 +0200

> Geraint Lee wrote:
> > Till Adams wrote:
> >
> >> Geraint Lee wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hey all,
> >>>
> >>> I've been trying to install mapserver for several days now, coming
> >>> accross a number of installation problems (with other programs like gd,
> >>> jpeg-2b...) which i've overcome... now i'm stuck on mapserver.
> >>>
> >>> gd, jpeg, freetype2, libiconv and libpng are all installed on the server
> >>> (FreeBSD 4.11)... anyway, here's the output from:
> >>> ./configure --with-png=/usr/local --with-jpeg=/usr/local
> >>> --with-freetype=/usr/local --without-xpm --with-libiconv=/usr/local
> >>> --with-gd=/usr/local
> >>> -- ...
> >>> configure: checking where FreeType 2.x is installed...
> >>>        using libfreetype from -L/usr/local/lib -Wl,--rpath
> >>> -Wl,/usr/local/lib -lfreetype -lz
> >>> checking for FT_Init_FreeType in -lfreetype... no
> >>>        using libfreetype -L/usr/local/lib -Wl,--rpath
> >>> -Wl,/usr/local/lib -lfreetype -lz from system libs.
> >>> configure: checking where Zlib is installed...
> >>> checking for zlibVersion in -lz... yes
> >>>        using libz from system libs.
> >>> configure: checking where PNG is installed...
> >>>        using libpng from -L/usr/local/lib64 -lpng
> >>> configure: checking whether we should include JPEG support...
> >>>        using libjpeg from system -L/usr/local/lib64 -ljpeg
> >>> configure: checking where libiconv is installed...
> >>> checking for iconv_open in -lc... no
> >>> checking for libiconv_open in -liconv... yes
> >>>        using libiconv from -L/usr/local/lib64 -liconv
> >>>        libiconv found. Enabling internationalization (-DUSE_ICONV)
> >>> configure: checking for GD 2.0.12 or higher...
> >>> checking for gdImageSetAntiAliased in -lgd... no
> >>> configure: checking whether GD needs libiconv...
> >>> checking for gdImageSetAntiAliased in -lgd... no
> >>> configure: error: Could not find gd.h or libgd.a/ in
> >>> /usr/local.  Make sure GD 2.0.12 or higher is compiled before calling
> >>> configure. You may also get this error if you didn't specify the
> >>> appropriate location for one of GD's dependencies (freetype, libpng,
> >>> libjpeg or libiconv).
> >>> -- all of those files exist in /usr/local/lib and /local - does anyone have
> >>> any suggestions at all as to what the problem may be.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks
> >>>
> >>> Geraint
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Geraint,
> >>
> >> which OS (Debian Linux, Suse, edHat, etc.) do you use?
> >>
> >> We have several step-to-step descriptions (sorry for not making 
> >> them open to everybody till now) for Win, Suse 9.x, Debian Woody 
> >> and Sarge, Mandrake, RedHat and FreeBSD. I may send you the 
> >> appropriate for you.
> >>
> >> Fiorst of all - the easiest may be just to try a
> >>
> >> # /sbin/ldconfig /usr/local/lib -v
> >>
> >> and
> >>
> >> # /sbin/ldconfig /local -v
> >>
> >> to make the libs known to your system. Also add these pathes to 
> >> the file /etc/, so you don't have to do this every 
> >> time you reboot.
> >>
> >> Greetings from Bonn, Till
> >>
> >>
> > Hi,
> >
> > i'm running FreeBSD-4.11.
> >
> > i've tried /sbin/ldconfig -v /usr/local/lib with no luck
> >
> > i would appreciate it if you could send the installation 
> > instructions for freebsd.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Geraint
> >
> Geraint,
> it's OpenOffice format - hope you may read this - if there are any 
> comments, please add and send it back
> Send it in a minute direct, so I don't bory this list with 
> attaschments - have fun! Till
> -- Mit freundlichen Grüssen aus Bonn,
> Till Adams
> ******************************************
> *  released: AmeiN! ArcMap-Export-2-UMN  *
> *        LiveLinux 'WebGIS on CD'        *
> *        *
> ******************************************
> ------------------------------------------
> Dipl. Geogr. Till Adams
> terrestris, H. Paulsen& T. Adams GbR
> Siemensstr. 8 * 53121 Bonn
> Tel.: 0228 962 899 52 * Fax.: 0228 962 899 57
> info at *

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