wfs server with postgis data

Neil Best nbest at SPEAKEASY.NET
Fri Jul 8 12:10:13 EDT 2005

Hello, everyone.  Armed with knowledge and zeal from the meeting in
Minneapolis, I sat down to implement a project with PostGIS and MapServer.
I have been able to see my PostGIS layer with the QGIS client so my next
though was to set up a WFS server so that I could view it with ArcMap (9.0
w/Data Interopability thingy for now; is 9.1 any better?).

I am using Debian testing with Debian-GIS packages, which I believe are all
updated.  I am using a ~user account and the wrapper script suggested at

My GetCapabilities request seems fine.  Try this:

but when I try the GetFeature test with

I get a 500 Internal Server Error.  The Apache2 error log gives the
enigmatic "Premature end of script headers: trees" message.  I have found
many references to this error in the list archives, but always in a
different context, as far as I can tell.

At first I thought it was a problem with my wfs_onlineresource metadata when
I noticed that it didn't match -- still had host/cgi-bin/mapserv... from the
example, but changing that had no visible effect.

What else can I tell you to flesh out the situation?  You should be able to
see my map file at  Thanks for your
comments and suggestions.  In the meantime I will try to set up a separate
service using some shapefile data -- back to basics.


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