mapserver php and cgi/module and security issues

Flavio Hendry flavio at TYDAC.CH
Thu Jul 7 11:18:51 EDT 2005

hi umberto

> considering not to use php as a module of apache but rather as a
> cgi, but I've managed to run gmap demo based on phpmapscript and 
> allseems to work properly, have I missed something?

yes, try to access the app with multiple users ... you will not get the 
maps requested (means user x might get the map user y requested and 
vice versa ...).

Mit freundlichem Gruss / Best Regards
Flavio Hendry

############      Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Kind Regards
############             mailto:flavio at
############         TYDAC AG -
####    ####        Geographic Information Solutions
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-----Original Message-----
From: Umberto Nicoletti <umberto.nicoletti at GMAIL.COM>
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2005 16:54:03 +0200
Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] mapserver php and cgi/module and 
security issues

> On 7/7/05, Artur Skalski <artur.skalski at> wrote:
> > Hi All
> > 
> > First I'd like to aks if any one of You has any idea why mapserver
> starts to
> > act wierd when i try to use .htaccess files to block access to some
> folders
> > which are in htodcs (I'm using mapserver 4.4 with php mascript 4.4
> apache2)
> > 
> > and second
> > 
> > reading a doc about instaling php and phpmascript I've noticed a
> warning
> > 
> If you run php as a module you could face threading issues and you
> server could crash.
> Regards,
> Umberto
> > regards
> > 
> > Artur
> >

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