Question re: PostGIS and MapScript getExtent() function

Steve Hall steve.hall at MERCATORGEOSYSTEMS.CO.UK
Tue Jul 12 14:30:46 EDT 2005

Thanks Paul,

This all sounds very reasonable to me....  I'll keep this to myself for now 

I'm curious about the fact that this is implemented for Oracle which is 
performing a very similar operation (i.e a spatial aggregate, 
SDO_AGGR_MBR).  Is Oracle more efficient than PostGIS in this area or is 
there a difference in approach that i'm missing...?

For my two-pennorth a function like this is very useful, as it allows me to 
change the filter for a layer, and alter the map extent to match the extent 
of the "new" layer, without needing to do any "dirty" SQL on the back-end 
database manually to find the new extent.  Perhaps if it can't / shouldn't 
be done via these msXXXLayerGetExtent() functions there is another way, or 
could it be listed as an enhancement?

Thanks again, i'm new to the contributing side of Open Source so forgive my 
early mistakes!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul Ramsey" <pramsey at>
To: "Steve Hall" <steve.hall at>
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 6:09 PM
Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Question re: PostGIS and MapScript 
getExtent() function

> Steve,
> If you grep through the source, you'll see the calls, which are  mainly in 
> the WMS code (pulling extents for capabilities).  The  problem is that the 
> return time for the call can be very large for  very large tables.  Which 
> is not really acceptable for a capabilities  return.  Maybe it is 
> acceptable for your application.  This is the  real problem.  We want 
> something with very low return times (as a  shapefile extents call is) but 
> we cannot get it with the extent()  function, because that requires a 
> sequence scan.
> So basically, we cannot simply stick in your implementation, or we  are 
> building a big obscure "gotcha" into mapserver. ("Why does it  take 
> forever to return a capabilities file for my PostGIS backed WMS? 
> Everything else is fast.")
> Perhaps the folks on -DEV can return some zen wisdom on the correct 
> approach to this.
> Paul
> On 12-Jul-05, at 9:52 AM, Steve Hall wrote:
>> Hi Paul,
>> Exactly right - it definitely needs reviewing by those that know  more 
>> about MapServer internals than I do.  (which is most of you I  expect).
>> How is this function used my MapServer itself then?  The context in 
>> which I am using it is via an explicit $layerObj->getExtent() call  from 
>> PHP/MapScript, so in this respect the current implementation  is not much 
>> use, but I suspect there is more to this function than  just an 
>> implementation for this call.   The main issue I had was  that this 
>> function worked as I expected for Oracle, yet not for  PostGIS, meaning 
>> I'd need some ugly code in my app to deal with the  inconsistency...
>> Anyway, i've attached my version of the function for you to take a  look 
>> at. My implemenation is basically the version that was  commented out, 
>> with the compilcation errors & warning resolved,  added support for the 
>> FILTER expression and support for either BOX  or BOX3D return clauses 
>> from PostGIS extent().
>> Many thanks,
>> Steve
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Paul Ramsey" 
>> <pramsey at>
>> To: "Steve Hall" <steve.hall at MERCATORGEOSYSTEMS.CO.UK>
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 3:49 PM
>> Subject: Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Question re: PostGIS and  MapScript 
>> getExtent() function
>>> msPOSTGISLayerGetExtent() is potentially extremely inefficient, 
>>> depending on how it is implemented, so I would have to see your  patch 
>>> to judge if it does more harm than good. It may be doing  good things 
>>> for you and bad things for others.  One thing it  *could* do without 
>>> harm is read the wms_extent meta-parameter and  use that if it is 
>>> provided by the user. There are also a few  version specific fast 
>>> extent functions available in PostGIS, but  they are not guaranteed to 
>>> work in all cases, at all times,  correctly.
>>> On 12-Jul-05, at 2:58 AM, Steve Hall wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> I'm using MapServer 4.6.0 with Oracle Spatial and PostGIS data 
>>>> sources via PHP/MapScript.  Part of my application code looks  like 
>>>> this pseudo-code :
>>>>     $map->setLayerFilter("ThematicData", "REQUEST_ID=121");
>>>>     $map->zoomToLayer("ThematicData");
>>>> Here i'm setting a specific FILTER expression for a layer, and  then 
>>>> zooming to the extent of the (now filtered) layer.  I use  the 
>>>> layerObj->getExtent() and then mapObj->setExtent() functions  to 
>>>> achieve this behind the scenes.  This works great for Oracle,  the 
>>>> query is fast and makes for nice, tidy code in my  application  without 
>>>> the need for Oracle specific SQL statements  to derive the  new extent.
>>>> However when I try this on PostGIS I just get a massive  (useless) 
>>>> extent returned.  Digging into the code I can see that  the 
>>>> msPOSTGISLayerGetExtent() function in mappostgis.c is  effectively 
>>>> doing nothing although a lot of code is commented out.
>>>> Working on my local code I have re-enabled this code, fixed the 
>>>> compilation errors and changed it so that when a FILTER is  applied  to 
>>>> the layer this is used as part of the SQL call to  PG.  It seems  to 
>>>> work great (from PHP/MapScript) and performance  is fine and is  really 
>>>> useful for me meaning I don't need to  calculate the extents  for a map 
>>>> myself - MapServer can supply  the information in a  generic and 
>>>> abstract fashion.
>>>> Ideally I would like to get this code fed back into MapServer,  but  of 
>>>> course only if it's acceptable to you all.  So,  should  I  instead 
>>>> post this to mapserver-dev or can I pass on the new  code to  someone 
>>>> from here?
>>>> There may be good, historical, reasons why this wasn't ever 
>>>> implemented though so please let me know!
>>>> Many thanks,
>>>> Steve Hall
>>>> <msPOSTGISLayerGetExtent.c>

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