Holes in polygons in some scales

Silke Reimer Silke.Reimer at INTEVATION.DE
Mon Jul 25 13:02:24 EDT 2005


I have a question concerning map rendering. Let me first describe the
effect that I observed:

If you have a look at [1] you see a part of map with a street going
from southwest to northeast which is correctly shown as kind of a

On [2] you see the same street on a smaller scale. Now the line is
shown with some gaps inbetween which - in my opinion - shouldn't

First I thought that this happens because the road is defined as a very
narrow polygon which becomes too small in some scales to be
considered for rendering. So I changed the layers type from polygon
to line. According to my theory the full outline of the polygon
should be drawn. But the gaps still remained.

Now my questions: Do you have any idea what happens here? And do you
know how to avoid this effect by using a special configuration in
the mapfile?

Many thanks for your help,


[1] http://ftp.intevation.de/users/silke/mapserver/polywithoutholes.png

[2] http://ftp.intevation.de/users/silke/mapserver/polywithholes.png

Intevation GmbH

Georgstrasse 4                    49074 Osnabrück, Germany
http://intevation.de              http://intevation.de/~silke
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