ODBC/OVF connection

Piero Cavalieri piero.cavalieri at HEIDI.IT
Tue Jul 19 03:17:27 PDT 2005

Hello Emil,

Yes PROJ is set right. MapServer app was working fine without OGR/OVF.
I removed SRS key form ovf file, and solved the problem (I have SRS code
also in .map, so maybe it's ok so). Frank suggested me that maybe is
necessary for GDAL_DATA to point to the GDAL files like
gcs.csv and pcs.csv. I had this files on devel machine from OpenEV
installation (which set GDAL_DATA, I think), which I didn't installed on
production machine. However it seems to me that "normal" installation of
MapServer does not require separate GDAL installation, so this thing, if
true, should be  written somewhere (I installed OpenEV on production
machine before deleting SRS key form ovf, but had the same error; maybe a
reboot was needed, but I wanted reboot production machine).


Emil Zegers wrote:

>Hello Piero,
>Have you checked if the PROJ folder containing projection files is set up
>and available on the production machine too?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On
>Behalf Of Piero Cavalieri
>Sent: vrijdag 15 juli 2005 16:41
>Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] ODBC/OVF connection
>Hi all,
>on my devel machine I successfully connect to a layer via ODBC/OVF
>connection. Layer is a MSSQL table on Win2k.
>I done the same thing on production machine (Win2003) => problems.
>ArchimpXP_SIAT.ovf file:
>    <OGRVRTLayer name="impianti">
>        <SrcDataSource>ODBC:xx/xxxx at Archimp_HEIDI</SrcDataSource>
>    <SrcLayer>Impianti</SrcLayer>
>  <GeometryType>wkbPoint</GeometryType>
>  <LayerSRS>epsg:26591</LayerSRS>
>  <GeometryField encoding="PointFromColumns"
>y="Longitudine"x="Latitudine" />
>    </OGRVRTLayer>
>.map file:
>    GROUP i_dep_grp
>    CONNECTION "ArchimpXP_SIAT.ovf"
>    DATA "impianti"
>    NAME "impianti"
>        "wms_title" "Impianti Depurazione"
>        "wms_srs"   "26591"
>    END
>        "init=epsg:26591"
>   END
>web page:
><asp:listitem value=i_dep_grp selected=true>Depurazione</asp:listitem>
>ODBC connection test:
>ogrinfo ODBC:xx/xxxx at Archimp_HEIDI
>returns the list of db tables, so seems ok.
>Error messages when requesting the web page:
>msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'impianti'.
>msOGRFileOpen(): OGR error. Open failed for OGR connection
>`Archimp_HEIDI.ovf'. Failed to import LayerSRS `epsg:26591'.
>" msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 'impianti'.
>msOGRFileOpen(): OGR error. Open failed for OGR connection
>`Archimp_HEIDI.ovf'. Failed to import LayerSRS `epsg:26591'.
>I don't understand if errors occurs during connection open or it's layer
>The only difference beteween development environment seems to be that in
>production machine data files are in different drive (web application in
>C:, data in D:; of course SHAPEPATH is set right).
>Help please
>  P.

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