still me

Carl Burn burnsy at VIVIDFISH.CO.UK
Wed Jul 20 02:53:37 EDT 2005

think that you might have a conflict on port 80 if you are running a 
windows web server. You can get the two to co-exist quite happily, all 
you need to do is to edit the httpd.conf file within the ms4w/apache 
part of your installation and set it to run on an unoccupied 
8073. If you have a firewall running locally then you may also need to 
modify this to cope with the usage of the new port number.
Hope this helps


Tony Denis wrote:

>thank you for the answer but there's another problem. When i put the ms4w
>directly in C drive,and i try to install the apache that's the problem
>(OS 10048)Une seule utilisation de chaque adresse de socket
>(protocole/adresse r
>Úseau/port) est habituellement autorisÚe.  : make_sock: could not bind to
>no listening sockets available, shutting down
>Unable to open logs
>thank you very much for your help
>tdenis at

Carl Burn
Technical Director
Vividfish Limited.

t: 0845 8900876
e: burnsy at

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