problems with shapefile

Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] Tom.Kralidis at EC.GC.CA
Mon Jul 18 18:28:35 EDT 2005


We're having some problems with some (what we think is) simple shapefile
polygon data.

ogrinfo -al <file>.shp works on the file.  When I add to my .map file
and try to interact via OGC:WMS, the data does not display.  When I do a
OGC:WMS GetCapabilities, the bounding coordinates per LatLonBoundingBox
are not reflective of the data extents.

When I try with shp2img, I get the following error:

$ shp2img -m  -all_debug 1 -l pda_al83_polygon2
Mon Jul 18 19:04:34 2005 - msSearchDiskTree(): Unable to access file.
Unable to open spatial index f or
qix. In most cases you can safely ignore this message, otherwise check
file names and permissions.

(Why is it looking for a .qix?)

When I generate the .qix with shptree and run shp2img again with the
same args, no error is given (although it provides debug info on a layer
I didn't ask for on the command line [all my LAYERs are STATUS ON).

To confirm, I am able to eyeball and query the data using uDig and
(sigh) ArcExplorer.

I'm using latest CVS.  What gives?



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