Wrong projections w/ v4.4.2 & v4.6.0

Michael Leong mleong at GLOBEXPLORER.COM
Mon Jul 11 15:39:08 EDT 2005


I just upgrade from v4.2.2 to v4.6.0 and getting incorrect images regarding 
vector data.

4.2.2 returns correct images, but 4.4.2 and 4.6.0, the projections are 
off.  All three versions are linking against the same proj, postgis, and 
geos libs.

correct image from v4.2.2:


Wrong image from v4.6.0

notice the imagery is the same, but the vectors are different.  Both of 
them use almost identical mapfiles, but v4.6.0 has the connection defering.


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