Map image resolution and weird asp issues

Ajay Ranipeta sc0rp10nau at YAHOO.COM.AU
Sun Jul 10 01:41:31 EDT 2005

Hi Dave,

Not sure much about the BMP output, but this is what I have in my mapfiles

 # image format options
  NAME png
  MIMETYPE "image/png"

You can also try to set the IMAGEMODE to PC256 and see if that helps.

As for the image resolution, try the RESOLUTION option in your mapfiles,
so for map mode, you might want to have "RESOLUTION 250" and for browse mode
add in "RESOLUTION 72" (72 dpi is the default, so you don't even need to set

For more help on the mapfile configuration, check this doc out:


ps. Add those 2 options under the MAP section, possibly after the name.

On Sat, 9 Jul 2005 22:01:56 -0600, David Shorthouse <dps1 at UALBERTA.CA> wrote:

>Hey folks,
>    I have been trying to get MapServer to play nicely when static map
>images are generated within an asp page. I have the mapfile configured to
>output png but strangely in IE, the image file is always bmp and
>consequently, is about 15X larger in file size than it ought to be. In
>Mozilla, the image is png as it ought to be and is the appropriate file
>size. Anyone know what's going on here? As an aside, I have two map files:
>one for browse mode and one for map mode. I was wondering how one goes about
>messing with the map files such that the resolution of images in map mode
>are not always 72 dpi. Interestingly in browse mode, the image resolutions
>are all 96 dpi. I'd rather have about 250 dpi for map mode and 72 dpi for
>browse mode.
>Thanks for any ideas,

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