Where to install Mapserver?

Piero Cavalieri piero.cavalieri at HEIDI.IT
Tue Jul 19 04:18:06 EDT 2005

Bill Chappell wrote:

>Ok, I'm a new user and I'm confused trying to find a clue.
>Basically I've in inherited a few mapserver projects that I have to update
>and move from a UNIX to a windows platform. I'm currently playing with it
>an XP-pro platform before I move it to a win2003 server using IIs.  While I
>understand the map files and I can modify them on the UNIX server, the
>windows install has been a nightmare. I have tried so many things (shotgun
>approach) now that if I get it running, I'm not sure what files are really
>in the right place.  I've been through the permissions hell and believe I'm
>ok with that. I've also tried the MS4W app on my laptop but that is not
>helping with my current question.
>A quick search showed I had mapserv.exe located in c:\mapserver,
>c:\mapserver\bin, c:\Inetpub\wwwroot, c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin.

On Win2k and Win2003 should be:
c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\scripts (if you have cgi-bin, ok)

You can remove remaining mapserv.exe

With win2003, you should add a "Predifinied web site" (I translated from
Italian, so maybe the name is not correct) called Scripts (cgi-bin in your
case). Inside, you have maserv.exe. Try to give full permissions at the
beginning, and downgrade till the things still work (this is what you do
when You don't know what are you doing...).
You must give permissions to mapserv.exe (they are not inerited from
Mapserv). To have HttWebRequest to mapserv.exe I  gave "Anonimous access"
to maserv.exe, but this should not be necessary if you use "pure" templates
(I use ASP.NET).
You also need to add the mapserver's lib dir to your PATH environment

>A http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe? Gives me a run/save/cancel dialog,
Maybe few permissions on mapeserv.exe

Probably you'll need Proj lib. For this to work add PROJ_LIB to environment
varables, which points to the proj's "nad" dir.


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