Querying points

Jeff Portwine jdport at VERITIME.COM
Wed Jul 13 11:02:15 PDT 2005

My mapscript application reads in coordinates from a table and plots them on 
a map.   I'd like to be able to use the point querying abilities of 
mapserver so that I can click on those points and bring up another point 
specific web page.   In the previous version of mapserver, this wasn't 
possible because (at least how I understood it) points added to a map via 
mapscript did not have DB entries and thus could not be queried.   At the 
time when I posed this question, I believe somebody wrote that this was 
fixed in the next version and I was just curious if anybody can verify that 
this is in fact possible in the newest version?

I'm currently running mapserver version 4.4.1

For a work around, I  was converting the locations of the plotted points to 
their pixel coordinates and making the image into a client side image map 
with those pixel regions mapped to the pages I wanted to bring up.   I've 
re-written my application though using Rosa and made it much nicer but now 
my work around isn't really an option so I'm hoping I can use the point 
query function in mapscript to do what I need.

Thanks for any input,

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