reduce gps points

Schuyler Erle schuyler at NOCAT.NET
Fri Jul 8 02:28:05 EDT 2005

I don't know of any PHP implementations offhand, but search the Net
for "Douglas-Peucker" line simplification, which we've used
successfully for that purpose. I found a C++ implementation on the web
which I success fully  cargo-culted to Python (and hope to port to
ogr2ogr one of these days).


* On  7-Jul-2005 at  8:30AM PDT, joerg p said:
> hello,
> this might be a little bit off topic, but I am searching a (php) 
> function, which reduces the amount of gps points in a gps track by a 
> given accuracy.
> So a track with 1000 points becomes a track with 100 points.
> Is there a function or documentation somewhere?
> thanks
> Joerg

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