Raster zoom problem with ERDAS Imagine Files

Moen, Paul T. pmoen at STATE.ND.US
Wed Jul 13 07:33:01 PDT 2005

Thank you Frank,

We are using Mac OS X.  I just got the latest gdal via cvs and I will build
and test to see if the problem is solved.  If not I will submit a bug.  

But first, I want to make sure that I have large file format support
configured.  My previous configure was as follows.

/configure --prefix=/MapServer --exec-prefix=/MapServer
--mandir=/MapServer/man --with-libz=/usr --with-libtiff=/MapServer
--with-geotiff=/MapServer --with-jpeg=/MapServer --with-jasper=/MapServer
--with-gif=/MapServer --with-png=/MapServer --without-python --without-ogdi

I looked at ./configure -help and did not see any reference to imagine files
or large file support.  Do I have what I need in the configure that I have
above?  Will I have large file support enabled using the above configure?

On 7/13/05 8:47 AM, "Frank Warmerdam" <fwarmerdam at gmail.com> wrote:


What platform are you working on?  GDAL 1.2.5 is a bit old now.  It 
is possible an upgrade to GDAL 1.2.6 or GDAL CVS will help.  There 
have been a few fixes in the decompression code in GDAL's Imagine 
reader in the last year or two. 

Also, what platform are you on?  I am wondering if "large file" support 
might not have been enabled at build time.   For instance, large files 
were not supported on MacOS X with GDAL till quite recently (post 1.2.6). 

This is clearly a GDAL problem, so you might just want to open a GDAL 
bugzilla entry for the issue and we can pursue it from there.  

Best regards, 

Thank you,

Paul T. Moen
pmoen at state.nd.us
ND State Water Commission

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