Other spatial database development (PostGIS)

Paul Ramsey pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET
Thu Jul 7 14:58:57 EDT 2005

Guys, I am happy to spec this out again, but frankly I fear that most  
solutions will remain in the "moderately ugly hack" domain, ala  
PgArc. I have investigated more elegant things (oledb) but the signs  
are not promising (http://arcgisdeveloperonline.esri.com/ 
Principally, the continuing lack of an Oracle Spatial third party  
read/write extension on the market says to me that such a thing is  
just technically not possible to do attractively. If it were, someone  
would have written it by now and be making money on it. If anyone  
knows of such a thing, please do tell, it would be a good positive  
sign of possible success.


On 7-Jul-05, at 10:22 AM, Ken Lord wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> This is a major interest to us,  we would like to see a push for  
> this as well, in fact I was just asked to contact Tyler Mitchell  
> about pgArc when I return from my holidays.   Tyler!  are your ears  
> burning? hehe
> pgArc can be found at SourceForge if you want to check it out.  It  
> has some functionality with ArcGIS 8, but I haven't had it work  
> with ArcGIS 9.
> We are locked into personal geodatabases for some of our clients,  
> development of a fully functional ArcGIS / PostGIS connection would  
> give us a lot more flexibility too.
> Cheers,
> Ken Lord
> Vancouver BC
> On 7/7/05, Mike Davis <mike.and.kerry at gmail.com> wrote: Since we  
> seem to be building some momentum on the ESRI personal
> geodatabase thing, it seems like a good time to bring up the other
> database related item on our wishlist.
> What would be required to allow read/write to a PostGIS database from
> ArcGIS?  I would love the ability to maintain our spatial data in
> multiple datbase formats (must me my irrational fear of vendor
> lock-in), but unless we can manage the data from within ArcGIS it
> isn't really a practical option for us.
> -Mike

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