Log error question

Stéphane RIFF stephane.riff at CERENE.FR
Wed Jul 20 08:11:50 EDT 2005

I really don't understand because when i turn DEBUG ON my never crash
I know it's really strange but it's what i see....
I use php 4.3.9 and i saw on php.net that php 4.4.0 release had resolve some
bug on references : Do you think that i had to update my php version ???

Stéphane RIFF wrote:

> Hello,
> I have some problem on a phpmapscript application. Some time it seems 
> that
> $map->draw() crash for unknown reason. It's not logical (I think), it 
> happened
> randomly but only when a specific layer is on.
> What i want to know is to debug phpmapscript, so i made an 
> error_handler for my php script
> but i didn't log the phpmapscript errors. So i tried map DEBUG but the 
> informations
> are very orientated for time performance. Is it possible to log only 
> crash ???
> Hope this clear...
> Thanks
> Steff

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