information about ms4w

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Tue Jul 19 15:02:53 EDT 2005

Hmm, did you extract MS4W to the root of a drive (for example at C: or 
D:)?  (meaning your directory structure should be something like C:/ms4w 
or D:/ms4w)

Note that you should use the MS4W mailing list for MS4W configure 
questions (join at so other MS4W 
users can help.  thanks.


Tony Denis wrote:
> hi,
> i try to install ms4w. when i click on apache install i receive this
> message: error 57 of C:/Program Files/ms4w/apache/conf/http.conf:serverroot
> must be a valid directory
> somebody can help me
> Tony Denis
> tdenis at

Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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