[mapserver] Java VM Crashes using the Mapscript API

Rick Innis rick at INNIS.CA
Thu Jul 28 13:43:40 PDT 2005

On Jul 28, 2005, at 16:15, Sean Gillies wrote:

>  All the MapServer classes exist primarily to support the CGI  
> mapserv program, and therefore are complete. An new instance of  
> classObj, for example, already contains a labelObj attribute named  
> "label". To set a class's label color, you should do this
>     class.label.color.setRGB(red, green, blue)

So to get rid of the black background, would it be legitimate to do  

     class.getLabel().getBackgroundcolor().setRGB(-1, -1, -1);
     class.getLabel().getBackgroundshadowcolor().setRGB(-1, -1, -1);


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