Kitchen Sink for 4.6

Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at SHAW.CA
Fri Jul 22 14:28:17 EDT 2005

Howard, thanks for making these available.  Just to clarify, these are Windows binaries specifically.  For those looking for linux binaries, use the FGS installed (


----- Original Message -----
From: Howard Butler <hobu at IASTATE.EDU>
Date: Friday, July 22, 2005 10:58 am
Subject: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Kitchen Sink for 4.6

> All,
> I finally got a chance to refresh my Kitchen Sink builds for 
> MapServer 
> 4.6.  Highlights include:
> - Java MapScript for 1.4
> - .NET MapScript for Visual Studio 2003
> - Python MapScript for 2.3 and 2.4
> - CVS GDAL (7/22/05)
> - Gobs of default formats
> - Special builds for Oracle (9.2) and ArcSDE (9.0) (you need to 
> provide 
> your own dlls for these)
> These builds include what will be 4.6.1 (it contains the latest 
> patches to 
> 4.6).
> The build most people will want (if they want to use such a thing 
> as this) 
> is 
> <." 
> target="l">>. 
> Otherwise, head to <" 
> target="l">> to read up on 
> what you might need.
> These builds are not for the faint of heart.  They are little more 
> than 
> dlls and data files to get going.  If you know that you need 
> specific 
> options in these builds, then use them.  Otherwise, if you are 
> looking for 
> a more pleasant MapServer experience, look to MS4W 
> <" target="l">> for a 
> complete MapServer and 
> FWTools for a complete Python MapScript <." 
> target="l">>.
> Howard

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