weired zooming problem

Shashi Gireddy gireddy at GMAIL.COM
Thu Jul 28 02:32:21 EDT 2005

I have a weired zooming problem. I have two shape files with same image extent.
1. Roads with surface type, length, hwy etc.. for south texas (LINES)
2. Reference markers for the same roads  (POINTS)

I am creating two layers for each of them. the problem is
It works If I zoom out or Pan (If I click on the upper left cornor Pan
Doesn't work)
It doesn't work If I click on zoom in (it works If I zoom out once and
zoom in once, but after second click it gives me a blank map, but it
still showing the legent, and scale)
IF I use only surface type (LINES) it works perfect
but If I use only reference markers It does't work(behaves as above)
I guess It is the probmem with the extent of Reference Markers , i
tried to change but didn't help me (I used ArcView to know the Extent)
here are my extent values EXTENT  -98.64 29.32 -96.35 27.15
I know there is an other way of representation, but I don't know how
to convert or how to check tht in arcview.
can anybody help me please.
thanks in advance.

Shashi Kiran Reddy. Gireddy,
Graduate Assistant,
CBER, University of Alabama.
Cell: 205-239-6655

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