PHP/Mapscript testers needed for 4.6beta

Bill Binko bill at BINKO.NET
Mon Jun 6 02:36:02 EDT 2005

One small note, there is still an issue with saveWebImage() not always 
giving back a unique filename under mod_php.  This is open under bug 1322 
and is unrelated to the regex fixes (but it is important since I just 
asked you to use this version for testing :-) ).

(sorry, Daniel, I had already wrote this when I got your note)

On Mon, 6 Jun 2005, Bill Binko wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Daniel Morrisette and I have tracked down and killed an old bug (#1354) in
> PHP/Mapscript that caused two big problems:
> 1) It required the PHP source to be available if your PHP didn't use 
> the system regex libraries
> 2) It was very easy to build against the wrong regex, and get segfaults at 
> random places.
> At this point, we believe this is completely fixed: you can build with 
> only PHP's #include files (no source) and both the CGI/command-line 
> utilities and PHP module always use the right regex (even when they're 
> different).
> We've tested this in several environments, but would like a broader set of 
> eyes to make sure it's working correctly before 4.6 gets released.
> So, if you're currently running PHP/Mapscript and can test the 4.6beta3 
> release, we'd really appreciate your feedback.
> Also, if you've been avoiding PHP/Mapscript due to build complexity or
> stability issues, this is a good time for you to try again: building 
> PHP/Mapscript should be a simple as adding --with-php=/usr to your 
> configure line (if your PHP includes are in /usr/include/php).
> If you could direct your feedback to me or to the bug (#1354), that would 
> be great.
> Thanks
> Bill

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