WMS + ArcExplorer 4.0.1

Paul Ramsey pramsey at REFRACTIONS.NET
Tue Jun 7 09:27:42 EDT 2005

Probably a question for ESRI, not for open source projects. Both  
mapserver and deegree pass the CITE tests for WMS compliance. You  
client (ArcExplorer) just happens to be fragile, ESRI should have  
done a more careful job and more testing.

On 7-Jun-05, at 4:29 AM, Leopold Schefcik (MULTIMEDIAPLAN.AT) wrote:

> hi list,
> ArcExplorer 4.0.1 and the extention to geht a WMS into....
> 1. with this url I only get the layers in the legend, but no map:
> http://wms.ccgis.de/umn/bin/mapserv.exe?map=d:/umn/germany.map&
> 2. with this url I get the eroor message:
> http://deegree.centropemap.multimediaplan.kosnet.com/deegree2/wms/ 
> wms?SERVIC
> E=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetCapabilities
> the message: "Invalid Capabilities File. Check Server Url."
> why? :-(
> Leopold

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