Problem configuring WFS-SERVER on oraclespatial layers

François Prunayre fx.prunayre at OIEAU.FR
Wed Jun 8 05:15:09 PDT 2005

Hi Fernando and Ludovic, I was facing the same problem with WFS GetFeature
and WMS GetFeatureInfo.
USING UNIQUE <column> solved the problem for all my Oracle Spatial layers.
Works well with Mapinfo client or Chameleon. 

But it seems that <column> has to be a number. Is Varchar2 datatype
supported ? 


-----Message d'origine-----
De : UMN MapServer Users List [mailto:MAPSERVER-USERS at LISTS.UMN.EDU] De la
part de Fernando Simon
Envoyé : mercredi 8 juin 2005 13:44
Objet : Re: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] Problem configuring WFS-SERVER on
oraclespatial layers

Hi Ludovic and Bart,
    About the problem with WFS (I'm not a specialist in WFS) did you check
all the metadata parameters? (upper case/lower case)
    You can check all the messages that Mapserver request to Oracle server
using a debug flag (inf mapfile and configure for mapserver). You need to
specify a "--enable-debug" for configure and DEBUG parameter for layer and
MAP in you mapfile. Using this way all of actions and SQL appear in apache
error log.
    I recommend to pass the UNIQUE parameter in your DATA definition. In
UNIQUE parameter you define the column that store the unique values (usually
primary key) for your table. This is necessary for retrieve the correct data
from database. You can specify like this: (null SRID is default when you
don't specify)
        DATA "GEOM FROM BATIMENT USING UNIQUE <column>" example
    Can you change the data and test the result for this case?

Fernando Simon
Mapserver and Oracle Spatial developer
G10 - Laboratorio de Computacao Aplicada - Brazil - UNIVALI/CTTMAR

ludovic gnemmi wrote:

>You were right with MWS...I hat to add "wms_extent" on each layer to 
>make WMS works with MS 4.6...I can now view all my layers with wms:) 
>But still can't see oracle layers with WFS.
>I don't think communication failing with oracle...I see oracle is 
>processing when sending WFS getfeature request. And i still can see 
>oracle layers with Mapserver in normal use.
>--- Bart van den Eijnden <BEN at SYNCERA-ITSOLUTIONS.NL> a écrit :
>>It seems that all aspects which communicate with Oracle fail. I had a 
>>look at your original post and the GML created only contained the 
>>wfs_extent values you put in the MAP file. So probably all 
>>communication with Oracle is failing.
>>The WMS capabilities now use a function to calculate the boundingbox. 
>>If you use a wms_extent metadata it will probably be complete.
>>Are you able to get normal maps?
>>I hope Fernando Simon can help you further.
>>Best regards,
>>Bart van den Eijnden
>>Syncera IT Solutions
>>Postbus 270
>>2600 AG  DELFT
>> 015-7512436
>>email: BEN at
>>>>>ludovic gnemmi <l_gnemmi at YAHOO.FR> 06/08/05
>>08:58am >>>
>>I'm now testing with mapserver 4.6 beta3. I still receive nothing with 
>>getfeature request on oraclespatial layers (i can see that oracle is 
>>processing the requests).
>>And i'm now receiving an uncomplete xml file when testing wms 
>>capabilities (stoped on <Layer queryable=).
>>On more thing, i see a new message in my apache error log : "In 
>>msCleanupOnSignal". ???
>>--- Bart van den Eijnden
>><BEN at Syncera-ITSolutions.NL>
>>a écrit :
>>>Okay, my information was 4.6 specific. I was assuming you were using 
>>>that version.
>>>Could you try the latest 4.6 beta? There have also been a lot of 
>>>improvements made by Fernando in maporaclespatial.c.
>>>Best regards,
>>>Bart van den Eijnden
>>>Syncera IT Solutions
>>>Postbus 270
>>>2600 AG  DELFT
>>> 015-7512436
>>>email: BEN at
>>>>>>ludovic gnemmi <l_gnemmi at YAHOO.FR> 06/07/05
>>>09:22am >>>
>>>Thanks for your answer Bart but it still doesn't work...I'm trying 
>>>with mapserver 4.4.2...Is gml_include_tems include in mapserver 
>>>4.4.2? Or
>>>have to upgrade to 4.4.6?
>>>--- Bart van den Eijnden <bartvde at XS4ALL.NL> a
>>>>gml_include_items "all"
>>>>in the METADATA section of your LAYER.
>>>>Best regards,
>>>>On Mon, 06 Jun 2005 18:32:03 +0200, ludovic
>>>><l_gnemmi at YAHOO.FR>
>>>>>Hi all,
>>>>>I have a problem configuring WFS-SERVER with oraclespatial (Nativ 
>>>>>ok when configuring WMS-SERVER on these layers
>>>>but i
>>>>>still receive an incomplete XML result when i
>>>>>getfeature request on my WFS oraclespatial
>>>>>(without errors). getcapabilitie request is
>>>>>getfeature requests are OK on shapefiles.
>>>>>Here is my mapfile:
>>>>>  NAME "my_wfs"
>>>>>  EXTENT 868470 83215 965015 165840
>>>>>  SIZE 400 300
>>>>>  IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255
>>>>>  STATUS ON
>>>>>  FONTSET "path to font"
>>>>>  SYMBOLSET "path to symbol"
>>>>> SHAPEPATH "path to shape"
>>>>> IMAGEPATH "path to images"
>>>>> IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/"
>>>>>	"wfs_title"			"my_wfs"
>>>>>	"wfs_onlineresource"
>>>>>	"wfs_srs"			"EPSG:27582"
>>>>>#oracle spatial layer
>>>>>NAME "bati"
>>>>>CONNECTIONTYPE oraclespatial
>>>>>CONNECTION "usr/pass at DB"
>>>>>"wfs_title"	"bati"
>>>>>"wfs_extent" 	"868470 83215 965015 165840"
>>>>>	EXPRESSION "01"
>>>>>	COLOR 152 152 152
>>>>>	OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0
>>>>>	EXPRESSION "02"
>>>>>	COLOR 202 202 202
>>>>>	OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0
>>>>>here the result of a getfeature request on
>>>>>	<wfs:FeatureCollection
>>>>>	<gml:boundedBy>
>>>>>	<gml:Box srsName="EPSG:27582">
>>>>>	<gml:coordinates>
>>>>>Has anybody got an idea?
>>>>>Thanks a lot.
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