How to use processlegendtemplate function ?

Lowell Filak lfilak at MEDINACO.ORG
Mon Jun 13 06:51:50 PDT 2005

The following message was sent by Carlos Eduardo Sibaja Salazar
<carloseduardo at COSTARRICENSE.CR> on Fri, 10 Jun 2005 10:51:55 -0500.

> Hi list.
> I need to generate a html legend in my application. I'm using php-
> mapscript. I have been reading about it and is supposed that I must use
> the processlegendtemplate function, but I haven't found an example of how
> to use it. I don't know what parameters i have to send in the function.
> Please somebody tell me which are the steps that i have to follow to make
> a html legend.
> Thanks for your help.!!


Here is a perl example. This is only a simple example I used in order to
test a new swig typemap.

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