PHPMapscript 4.6 Won't Install

Emil Zegers taatuut at PLANET.NL
Wed Jun 15 12:24:48 EDT 2005

Hello Tim,

The MapScript dll is depending on several other dll's (included in the 
binary packages).

Check if these are in place in the Windows system32 folder or in the 
PATH environment variable.

It looks like in your situation on or more dll's are missing or not 
available in the PATH.

A way to debug this, is to run your php page from the command line, 
something like:

C:\>C:\php\php.exe C:\path\to\info.php

This way you will receive alert boxes about the missing dependencies.



----- Oorspronkelijk bericht -----
Van: "Pascoe,Tim [Burlington]" <Tim.Pascoe at EC.GC.CA>
Datum: woensdag, juni 15, 2005 5:17 pm
Onderwerp: [UMN_MAPSERVER-USERS] PHPMapscript 4.6 Won't Install

> I've gone through this installation process a number of times, and 
> thought I finally had the routine down. However, I have an 
> installation that I just can't figure out.
> 	I'm setting up a test box running Windows Server 2000, IIS, 
> Mapserver 4.4, Mapscript 4.6, and PHP 4.3.11. PHP returns a 
> regular INFO page so long as I don't have the Mapscript extension 
> turned on. As soon as I activate Mapscript, however, no page 
> returns, and I eventually get a CGI timeout error. I've searched 
> through a number of archives with no luck, started from scratch 
> twice, and tested everything I can think of. Has anyone else seen 
> this behavior, or have any suggestions?
> 	Thanks,
> Timothy Pascoe
> Environment Canada / Environnement Canada
> Canada Centre for Inland Waters / Centre Canadien des Eaux 
> 867 Lakeshore Road / 867, chemin Lakeshore
> Burlington, Ontario / Burlington (Ontario)
> L7R 4A6
> Tel/Tél: (905) 336-6239
> Fax/Téléc: (905) 336-4699
> E-mail/C. élec: tim.pascoe at
> Government of Canada/Gouvernement du Canada
> This e-mail represents the opinions and views solely held by its 
> author and in no manner may be considered as representing those of 
> his/her employer.

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