file size issue

Jerl Simpson jerl.simpso at GMAIL.COM
Thu Jun 16 06:41:02 PDT 2005


I have a particular issue with file size limits.  I have a layer (2
actually) that contains roads classified as "Local Roads" throughout
the entire contiguous 48 US states.  I had to split this up into 2
files due to filesize limits.  My apache server keeps throwing errors
that say "[notice] child pid 12855 exit signal File size limit
exceeded (25)".  So I would like to add these to a MySQL table and
pull the data from there.

I am running into two problems.

1.  I used one of my very small shape files to setup an SQL connection
to grab the data.  When I modified my .map file I now get an internal
server error.  Which simply means some data was spit out before HTTP
headers terminated.  I have a log file and DEBUG ON set in my map file
and nothing gets placed in the file.  Is there any documentation that
tells one how to build the queries?  I can't seem to find them.

2.  The shape file I have for Local Roads is 1.2Gb.  And the perl
Shapelib module reads the entire shape file into an array.  Well, I
don't  have 1.2Gb of memory on my machine available so when I run
" LocalRoad" the program terminates with the error
"Terminated".  I looked at the documentation and I don't see a way to
just grab records out of the file.  I tried get_record() but that
threw error messages.

I have a tiled this file into 100 smaller files the largest of which
is 63Mb.  I could write a script to run to on each file. 
I would rather have a program to operate on the original file though,
as I'm afraid I'll end up with 100 seperate tables with the same data.
 Or I would need to modify the script to foce them all into the same

I appreciate any help,


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