PHP MapScript zoomscale optional parameter

Julien-Samuel Lacroix jlacroix at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Thu Jun 16 08:09:17 PDT 2005


Simply don't specify the optional parameter is correct. There's a 
parameter missing in the documentation.

void zoomscale(double nScale, pointObj oPixelPos, int nImageWidth,
                   int nImageHeight, rectObj oGeorefExt,
                   [rectObj oMaxGeorefExt])

So your problem here is that one parameter is missing:
The fifth parameter (oGeorefExt) is mandatory and the sixth 
(oMaxGeorefExt) is optional.


On 06/15/2005 01:52 PM, Abe Gillespie wrote:
> According to the docs the oGeorefExt parameter of mapObj::zoomscale is
> optional.  How do I send in an optional parameter in PHP?  I've tried
> both of the following with no success:
> $map->zoomscale($scale, $pnt, $w, $h, null);
> and
> $map->zoomscale($scale, $pnt, $w, $h);
> Please help if you can.  Also, and slightly OT, you need to pass in
> the height and width of the image.  This doesn't make sense to me. 
> Shouldn't the current height and width of the mapObj be used???
> Thanks for the help.
> -Abe

Julien-Samuel Lacroix            jlacroix at
DM Solutions Group     

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