file size issue

Julien-Samuel Lacroix jlacroix at DMSOLUTIONS.CA
Thu Jun 16 08:50:02 PDT 2005

I never successfully used the MySQL datasource support in MapServer. The 
documentation is here:

I don't think there's any tutorial.

Most of the people usually go with PostGIS instead of MySQL. There's 
more people to help with it.

You can also consider using a OVF connection to connect to your data. My 
experience with it is that is very stright forward and easy to use. 


On 06/16/2005 11:32 AM, Jerl Simpson wrote:
> Yes, I have already tiled the set.  And that did help tremendously.
> Even if it would be best if THIS layer is not in the DB I have other
> uses for extracting data from the database.  I just can't get it to
> work.  I think something is wrong with my DATA string.  Well I'm quite
> sure of it.  I get an internal server error.
> I have no idea how to construct the DATA '' string.  If someone could
> point me to a tutorial I'd be very appreciative.
> Thanks,
> jerl
> On 6/16/05, Julien-Samuel Lacroix <jlacroix at> wrote:
>>I think what you are trying to do will be much more efficient if you
>>"tile" your shapefile instead of putting all your data in MySQL. The
>>tiling separate your big shape into multiple smaller one. When it's time
>>to draw them, mapserver will only read the one it needs. Check both:
>>You can also get tips for data optimization from here:
>>On 06/16/2005 09:41 AM, Jerl Simpson wrote:
>>>I have a particular issue with file size limits.  I have a layer (2
>>>actually) that contains roads classified as "Local Roads" throughout
>>>the entire contiguous 48 US states.  I had to split this up into 2
>>>files due to filesize limits.  My apache server keeps throwing errors
>>>that say "[notice] child pid 12855 exit signal File size limit
>>>exceeded (25)".  So I would like to add these to a MySQL table and
>>>pull the data from there.
>>>I am running into two problems.
>>>1.  I used one of my very small shape files to setup an SQL connection
>>>to grab the data.  When I modified my .map file I now get an internal
>>>server error.  Which simply means some data was spit out before HTTP
>>>headers terminated.  I have a log file and DEBUG ON set in my map file
>>>and nothing gets placed in the file.  Is there any documentation that
>>>tells one how to build the queries?  I can't seem to find them.
>>>2.  The shape file I have for Local Roads is 1.2Gb.  And the perl
>>>Shapelib module reads the entire shape file into an array.  Well, I
>>>don't  have 1.2Gb of memory on my machine available so when I run
>>>" LocalRoad" the program terminates with the error
>>>"Terminated".  I looked at the documentation and I don't see a way to
>>>just grab records out of the file.  I tried get_record() but that
>>>threw error messages.
>>>I have a tiled this file into 100 smaller files the largest of which
>>>is 63Mb.  I could write a script to run to on each file.
>>>I would rather have a program to operate on the original file though,
>>>as I'm afraid I'll end up with 100 seperate tables with the same data.
>>> Or I would need to modify the script to foce them all into the same
>>>I appreciate any help,
>>Julien-Samuel Lacroix            jlacroix at
>>DM Solutions Group     

Julien-Samuel Lacroix            jlacroix at
DM Solutions Group     

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