php-mapscript from the command line.

Michael Helmut Arnold mharnoldx at YAHOO.COM
Sat Jun 18 12:49:40 PDT 2005

Hi all,

I am developing a mapserver based website on my Linux box.
php/mapscript has been working fine for me accessed through Apache.
But I am having trouble with php scripts using mapserver from the command-line.

The simple example below works fine when run from my web-browser, but
core dumps during the ms_newMapObj() call when run as "%php < bug.php"

Anybody else run into this?  Any ideas?

Michael Arnold.

P.S.  I am using mapserver 4.6.0 and php 4.3.11

---- bug.php ----


// load (as dynamic library) 

// read .map file 
print ms_getversion();
$mapxyz = ms_newMapObj("");
print " DEBUG bottom.";


Michael Helmut Arnold.

"A computer once beat me at chess.  
    But it was no match for me at kick boxing."

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