Unsupported operand types

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at SWOODBRIDGE.COM
Mon Jun 20 11:34:00 EDT 2005

See if you install has shp2img.exe and run

shp2img.exe -m /path/to/mapfile -o test.png

and see if it reports any errors? you can also load test.png into a 
browser to see if it generated an image. This will tell you if the 
mapfile and mapserver are working.

If these work, then the problem is probably issues with paths, 
permissions or php code.

-Steve W.

Matthew Roberson wrote:
> I really need some help.  I posted this late friday
> afternoon, however I am going to repost it in case
> anyone who might be able to help me missed it.
> I am trying to use the queryByAttributes method of
> the LayerObj class of PHP/Mapscript and I am doing
> something wrong, because I get the following error:
> Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in
> C:\ms4w\apps\test\htdocs\LA.phtml on line 12
> I am running in Windows XP professional with:
> ms4w 1.1
> I also get the same error in MacOS X with a custom
> compiled version of MapSever.
> The Map File is contains:
>     NAME LA
>     SIZE 600 600
>     IMAGECOLOR 240 240 240
>     SHAPEPATH "../data"
>     FONTSET ../etc/fonts.txt
>     EXTENT -94.043147 28.925011 -88.817017 33.019457
>     WEB
>         IMAGEPATH "/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/"
>         IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/"
>     END
>     LEGEND
>         STATUS EMBED
>         POSITION UR
>     END
>         BACKGROUNDCOLOR 0 0 0
>         STATUS EMBED
>         POSITION LR
>         STYLE 1
>     END
>         LAYER
>             NAME "LA zip code boundaries"
>             TYPE POLYGON
>             STATUS DEFAULT
>             DATA "zt22_d00"
>             LABELITEM "ZCTA"
>             CLASS
>                 COLOR 254 0 0
>                     LABEL
>                         COLOR 60 60 60
>                         SHADOWCOLOR 218 218 218
>                         SHADOWSIZE 1 1
>                         TYPE TRUETYPE
>                         FONT fritqat
>                         SIZE 8
>                         ANTIALIAS TRUE
>                         POSITION CL
>                         PARTIALS FALSE
>                         MINDISTANCE 5
>                         BUFFER 4
>                     END
>                 OUTLINECOLOR 60 60 60
>                 SYMBOL 0
>             END
>             TEMPLATE "x"
>         END
>         LAYER
>             NAME "credits"
>             STATUS DEFAULT
>             TRANSFORM FALSE
>             TYPE ANNOTATION
>             FEATURE
>                 POINTS
>                     10 680
>                 END
>                 TEXT 'Made with Mapserver.'
>             END
>             CLASS
>                 LABEL
>                     TYPE BITMAP
>                     POSITION CR
>                     COLOR 0 0 0
>                 END
>             END
>         END
> My  .phtml file contains:
> <?php
> if (!extension_loaded("MapScript"))
> {
>     dl("php_mapscript_44.dll");
> }
> if (!extension_loaded("dbase"))
> {
>     dl("php_dbase.dll");
> }
> $map_file="./LA.map";
> $map = ms_newMapObj($map_file);
> //$image=$map->draw();
> //$image_url=$image->saveWebImage();
> $oZipLayer = $map->getLayerByName("LA zip code
> boundaries");
> //Do query
> $sZip = '12603';
> $sAttrName = 'ZCTA';
> $qresult =
> @$oZipLayer->queryByAttributes($sAttrName,$sZip,MS_MULTIPLE);
> $image = $map->drawQuery();
> $image_url = $image->saveWebImage();
> $error = ms_GetErrorObj();
> while($error && $error->code != MS_NOERR)
> {
>     printf("Error in %s: %s \n", $error-routine,
> $error->messaage);
>     $error = $error->next();
> }
> ?>
>  <HTML>
>  <HEAD>
>  <TITLE>LA Zip Codes</TITLE>
>  </HEAD>
>  <BODY>
> <img SRC="<?php echo $image_url?>">
>  <p>This is an unprojected map of the 5 digit zip code
> boundries for the state of Louisianna,
>  from the <a
> href="http://www.census.gov/geo/www/cob/z32000.html">
> US Census Bureau</a>.</p>
>  <p>To find the categories for the legend, I used the
> <code>ogrinfo</code> utility twice.
>  <code>ogrinfo -a -summary zt22_d00.shp</code> let me
> see what fields were available, and
>  <code>ogrinfo -a zt22_d00.shp|grep SYMBOL|sort
> -u</code> told me what all of the unique values were
> so that
>  I could build my <code>CLASS</code> definitions in
> <code>LA.map</code>.
>  </p>
> </BODY>
> </html>
> <?php
> print_r($oZipLayer);
> print_r($qresult);
> if ($oZipLayer->getNumResults() > 0)
>     echo $oZipLayer->getNumResults()." zips found.";
> else
>     echo "No zips found."
> ?>
> I would appreciate any help or suggestions anyone has
> to offer.
> Thanks,
> Matt

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