problem with raster files - georeference

Ing. Jiří Cajthaml jiri.cajthaml at FSV.CVUT.CZ
Mon Jun 27 10:52:38 EDT 2005


I have problem with my georeferenced raster files.
My area of interest contains over 400 rasters
(scanned map sheets, TIF+TFW)

Unfortunately, rasters are georeferenced in ArcMap and map sheet
on every raster is rotated (because of georeferencing - its OK).

My TIF then looks like rotated map and the rest of an rectangular image
is filled by some color (thin triangle at the every edge of map).

When I want to display these rasters together in mapserver, these color
triangles overlay neighbour maps.

You can see example at

Can anyone help me, what to do?

Jiri Cajthaml

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