Dateline polygons?

Chris Helm helmster_99 at YAHOO.COM
Mon Jun 27 11:43:42 EDT 2005

Hello list,

I have a large dataset stored in a postgis database
that contains several thousand polygons. I'm storing
the geometry in epsg:4326 and my mapserver application
is in the same projection (initially). My problem is
that a number of my polygons cross the dateline (from
-179 to 179) and the results are pretty obvious.
Instead of crossing the dateline, they stretch the
across the globe.

I've tried converting the coordinates so that they go
from -179 to -181 and I get the same result. Whenever
I switch projections (into polar-stereographic) they
come in just fine, but when viewing the entire global
extent in 4326 I get the error. 

When I use coordinates like -181 to -182 the polygons
never show up regardless of the projection. 

I guess what I'm asking is if anyone has conquered
this issue before?

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