GRIDS and Graticule

François TOURDE fr-ms at TOURDE.ORG
Wed Jun 29 05:49:45 PDT 2005

Le 12962ième jour après Epoch,
Brent Fraser écrivait:

> François,
>   I think the MIN/MAXARCS parameter values in the map file are just "hints"
> for the grid/graticule portion of mapserver, it will show a few more or less
> lines to ensure the lines are drawn at "good" intervals.  Using a value of
> MAXARCS 5 and zooming in and out, I get from 3 to 9 lines.

I got from 0 to .... 25 lines, using MIN/MAXARCS 2/10 :(

> Here's an example of a grid layer for the Itasca demo/workshop:

I'll try this one... Thanks!

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