Wishing we had COLORRAMPs or something

Bill Binko bill at BINKO.NET
Wed Jun 29 02:54:27 EDT 2005

On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:

> Argggh! Doesn't look like it works in the version distributed at MUM3 in 
> the workshops.
> MapServer version 4.6.0-beta3 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG 
> because it does not recognized the COLORRANGE

I would bet that it does.  I just looked at 4.6beta3, and you should be 
able to use it as I said below.

Just a note, it must go into a STYLE...END block, it cannot go directly 
into a CLASS (or LAYER).


> -Steve W.
> Bill Binko wrote:
> >>Why is this needed? you ask, just make a bunch of classes.
> > 
> > 
> > Mwuu ha ha  (*seang will kill me for this*) 
> > 
> > Take a look at bug 1305, and see if that will fit your needs.
> > 
> > It is close, but not exactly what you want.  Most obviously, legend 
> > support is non-existant at this point, but I could be motivated to help 
> > there if I ever get away from ECW and GeomUnion issues.
> > 
> > If you're running 4.6, then support is already in there for you. 
> > 
> > 
> >>For a thematic map, you can select the number of breaks you want to 
> >>display, between 2 and 10 say. I already have code to compute the class 
> >>breaks and to assign them a number between 0 and numclasses, now I need 
> >>to a color in the ramp based on numclasses. If your ramp is RED from 0 
> >>to 255, and you have a 2 class ramp the 2 will be 255, but if you 
> >>display the same thin with a 10 class ramp 10 will be 255 and 2 will be 
> >>like 25.5
> >>
> > 
> > 
> > In this case, you'd want to do something like this:
> > 
> > 	CLASS 
> > 		COLOR 0 0 0 #mapserver wants a default color 
> > 		STYLE
> > 			COLORRANGE 0 0 0 255 0 0 #start and end colors
> > 			DATARANGE 0 10 #start and end values
> > 			RANGEITEM "someField" #the field to use
> > 		END
> > 	END
> > 
> > No doubt this is not perfect (it has no "breaks": it is continuous).  
> > However, having another user try it and provide feedback (into the bug 
> > please) can only help.
> > 
> > Bill
> > 

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